Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding – Venue Link

Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding – This is one of the reasons I’am a wedding photographer, I just love the variety of venues, people and ideas and it never gets boring. Lots of weddings I cover are held in big stately homes or hotels but every year I cover several weddings that are very personal to where the couple live and have grown up, Pip & Ben’s is one of those.
The ceremony was to be held in the local family church and Pip along with her bridesmaids and close family walked from the family home where everybody got ready, the reception was then held in the Tythe Barn Nailsea right next door to the church – all so local..
I really enjoyed this day and as Pip herself is a keen wedding photographer she just could not help but grab a  guests camera and have a go herself!!

The pictures are amazing thank you so much, we had good fun Looking through them all, I never knew how many facial expressions I pull!! pretty sure you guys captured every expression I have! haha 

Thank you again for doing such an amazing job. (Pip & Ben)

Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding (1)

Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding

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Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding (13)

Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding (14)

Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding (15)

Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding (16)

Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding (17)

Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding (18)

Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding (19)

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Nailsea Tithe Barn Wedding (23)